3-D MRI assessment of regional left ventricular systolic wall stress in patients with reperfused MI
Delepine, S., Furber, A. P., Beygui, F., Prunier, F., Balzer, P., Le Jeune, J. J., Geslin, P.
The goal of this study was to assess the regional variations of end-systolic wall stress in patients with reperfused Q wave acute myocardial infarction (AMI), with the use of a three-dimensional (3-D) approach. Fifteen normal volunteers and fifty patients with reperfused AMI underwent cardiac MRI that used a short-axis fast-gradient-echo sequence. The end-systolic wall stress was calculated with the use of the Grossman formula with the radius and the wall thickness defined with a 3-D approach using the tridimensional curvature. The mean wall stress was significantly increased at each level of the short-axis plane only in patients with anterior AMI. When calculated at a regional level in patients with anterior AMI, wall stress significantly increased in anterior sector as well as normal sector. In patients with inferior AMI, wall stress significantly increased only in inferior and lateral sectors. In conclusion, the quantification of regional wall stress by cardiac MRI is better with the 3D approach than other methods for precise evaluation in patients with AMI. Despite early reperfusion, the wall stress remained high in patients with anterior AMI.